Want to explore more about case study method?
Want to teach cases?
Want to write and publish cases?
Want to share your cases?
Thinking about collaboration opportunities on case development?
Want to develop cases for case competitions?
Want to partner with us on organization of case workshops?
Want to contribute as a case workshop speaker/ instructor?
As a founder and current host of the Association of Asia Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) Case Center, a case center representing over 140 participating business schools in the Asia-Pacific region, we have the foresight to collaborate with international business schools over the world, and rich experience in encouraging and promoting quality Asia-Pacific case studies.
Steered by the CBCS Director, Prof. Roger King, also the Founder and Chairman of AAPBS Case Center Committee, with assistance from its founding member, Prof. Winnie Peng, the CBCS Associate Director, we join hands with faculty from other leading business schools in the world, and organize workshops on an annual basis. In 2018, a local university was invited to co-host an international workshop with us at HKUST. For years, top guest speakers were invited to share at the workshop. We are expecting more collaboration chances of the kind.
If you are interested in learning more about our case training programs and HKUST cases, register as a member and stay tune to our latest workshop and news: Register NOW!
Looking for cases, check out HKUST our Case Collection ! Some cases are free-of-charge.
Feel free to tell us your specific needs and interests: Contact Us!