Organized by the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) Case Center, the two-day AAPBS Case Teaching and Writing Workshop was successfully held at Ritsumeikan Asia Pacific University (APU) in Japan from July 28-29, 2023.
Year 2023
Year 2020
Under its capacity as the host of AAPBS Case Center, the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies at HKUST organized an online Case Workshop "How to Teach Cases Online" for the Association
Year 2019
The AAPBS Case Workshop 2019 Dates: September 19 to 20, 2019 Venue: Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO, Russia Facilitators: Prof. Michiel R. Leenders Ms. Louise A. Mauffette-Leenders Registration and Details:
Organized by the Association of Asia-Pacific Business Schools (AAPBS) Case Center, the AAPBS Case Teaching and Writing Workshop was successfully held at Moscow School of Management SKOLKOVO from September 19 t
Year 2018
Jointly with the undergraduate student development and career services team of HKUST Business School, Thompson Center for Business Case Studies organized the 16th HKUST International Case Competition (HKICC, formerly known as HKUST-Citi International Case Competition) from October 20 to 26, 2018. Sponsored by Lifestyle International Holdings Limited, the competition in two rounds challenged th
HKUST has partnered with the Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) on case distribution, furthering the availability of the University’s business cases on Harvard’s case catalog
Many highly influential papers in top academic journals publish inductive research results using multiple case research methods. Case researchers in Asia find the multiple methods an excellent approach for theory development in this relatively less-explored research environment. With academia’s increasing popularity in the use of these methods, confusion can arise in the application process.
Even before the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies was established with his backing, Dr Thompson was already supplying the HKUST Business School with cases from his own company.
Year 2017
Huawei is rapidly emerging as a global technology leader in the telecommunications equipment marketplace. The company has grown rapidly, and its products have evolved from early copies of other technologies to world-leading breakthroughs that promise to lead the market in the coming years.
The work of the Professors Stephen Nason, Joseph Salvacruz and the Thompson Center for Business Case Studies wins attention of the esteemed management publication.