Case Request Form

From Wholesaler to Retailer: Was the Transformation Successful?

HBP Product : ST133
Case Author : Prof Ying Ju Chen ; Prof Pi-Ying Yen ; Prof Haoyu Liu
Publication Date : 25.03.2024


The case documents Fu Sheng Gardening, a Taiwanese flower company that transformed from a wholesaler to a retailer, facing challenges and opportunities. The case suits undergraduate and graduate students taking Operations and Supply Chain Management courses. To answer the case questions, students should apply knowledge in global supply chains, perishable goods, sustainability, e-commerce, supply chain risk, dual-channel supply chains, and transportation. The case can be used for an independent discussion session of 90 minutes to integrate students' learning.

Learning Objectives

The case documents the transformation of Fu Sheng Gardening from a wholesaler to a retailer, as well as the opportunities and challenges that the company faces during the process. Upon analysis of the case, students are expected to:

1.     Identify the critical components that a supply chain contains, the trend of a supply chain in a globalization context, and the characteristics of perishable goods.

2.      Exemplify how sustainability and e-commerce may play a role in shaping consumer behavior, and how risk may lead to supply chain disruptions.

3.      Give an account of the structure of dual-channel supply chains.

4.      Understand the importance of customer relationships, human resources, and transportation within a supply chain.

5.     Evaluate a supply chain design.

Company/Organization Fu Sheng Gardening
Industry Flowers, Floral, Gardening
Major Discipline Operations Management
Subject(s) supply chain management, Operations Management, Flower Production
Geography Taiwan
Case Nature Field
Page count of the Case 9
Teaching Notes 8
Publisher HKUST
Last Revision Date 22.08.2023